Huen Wong
Executive Chairman

Mr. Albert Wong Kwai Huen is the Chairman of the Arbitration Committee of the Law Society of Hong Kong.
Mr. Wong was respectively admitted to practice as a solicitor in Hong Kong and England & Wales in the 1980’s. Prior to becoming the managing partner of the Hong Kong offices of a British law firm and a U.S. law firm, he worked as Senior Counsel in the Department of Justice.


He is also the Past Chairman of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC), now the Honorary Chairman of HKIAC. And he is the former President of the Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators, the Law Society of Hong Kong and the Inter-Pacific Bar Association. Mr. Wong is currently the Chairman of the Board of Review (Inland Revenue Ordinance), Past Chairman of the Copyright Tribunal. Mr. Wong is the Honorary Adviser of Hong Kong Business Accountants Association. 


Mr. Wong is an active arbitrator and a member of multiple panels of arbitral institutions. He is also the Fellow of the Hong Kong Arbitration Society and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Mr. Wong is an Accredited Mediator and a China Appointed Attesting Officer. He also holds position.
