Fees Fees

• The costs of arbitration include SCIAHK’s registration and administrative fees and fees/expenses of arbitral tribunal.

• The registration fee is fixed at HKD 5,000 each case, and the administrative fee1 is determined by the ranges that the amount in dispute fall within.

• Fees/expenses of arbitral tribunal include arbitrators’ fees and the arbitral tribunal’s expenses2. Absent agreement on the fees of arbitrators, a fee based on the amount in dispute3 shall apply. An hourly rate4 shall apply, if the parties so agree in writing.

• Registration and administrative fees and arbitral tribunal's fees can be paid by installments.


1 SCIAHK’s administrative fee is capped at HKD 315,300.

2 Expenses of Arbitral Tribunal include any expenses incurred under article 40, paragraph 2(b)(c)(d).

3 Fees for one arbitrator based on the amount in dispute shall be capped at HKD 12,400,000.

4 Hourly rate for each arbitrator is capped at HKD 6,500 per hour.

Amount in Dispute(HKD)
* the actual amount of fees calculated is subject to the Notice of Payment by SCIAHK.
Amount in Dispute (in HKD) $:
Registration Fee (HK$):
Administrative Fee (HK$):
Arbitral Tribunal Fees(1 Arbitrator)(where Part l of Appendix 4 applies)(HK$):
Number of Arbitrators:
Fees Estimate (HK$):
Special note

• The costs of arbitration include SCIAHK’s registration and administrative fees and fees/expenses of arbitral tribunal.

• The registration fee is fixed at HKD 5,000 each case, and the administrative fee1 is determined by the ranges that the amount in dispute fall within.

• Fees/expenses of arbitral tribunal include arbitrators’ fees and the arbitral tribunal’s expenses2. Absent agreement on the fees of arbitrators, a fee based on the amount in dispute3 shall apply. An hourly rate4 shall apply, if the parties so agree in writing.

• Registration and administrative fees and arbitral tribunal's fees can be paid by installments.


1 SCIAHK’s administrative fee is capped at HKD 315,300.

2 Expenses of Arbitral Tribunal include any expenses incurred under article 40, paragraph 2(b)(c)(d).

3 Fees for one arbitrator based on the amount in dispute shall be capped at HKD 12,400,000.

4 Hourly rate for each arbitrator is capped at HKD 6,500 per hour.